Welcome to Dekodeyourself

Dekodeyourself is a Youth engagement initiative which has been formed by former NSS Volunteers.

About us

Team Dekodeyourself is a group of NSS Volunteers who take an initiative to promote community service among the Youth. We facilitates interaction between the Youth and the eminent personalities and engaged in Youth Development Programmes.

At Dekodeyourself, we dream of a world where every young person is empowered to make a difference, inspired by the timeless wisdom of Sant Tukaram ji's words - 'असाध्य ते साध्य, करिता सयास, कारण अभ्यास '.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a community where kindness, teamwork, and constant growth thrive among NSS volunteers and all youth.

Our Aim

Our aim is to empower young people in the country by providing them with opportunities for interaction, skill development, and participation in civic and community activities, in alignment with the National Youth Policy.

Our Action

At Dekodeyourself, we host engaging live sessions, seminars, and webinars featuring interactions with young youth icons for youth volunteers across the nation. We also actively conduct impactful social awareness programs nationwide. By empowering volunteers, we help them develop into responsible and proactive citizens.

Dekodeyourself was founded by Nitish Chuarasiya, an alumnus and former NSS Volunteer of J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA Faridabad, with the objective of connecting youth volunteers with accomplished personalities.

Our Journey

The initiative commenced its journey with its first live session on Instagram on March 20, 2021, featuring Mr. Azad Tapak from Arunachal Pradesh.

Our accomplishments in recent years

Dekodeyourself has conducted over 60 live sessions on Instagram, featuring various youth personalities from all corners of the nation, including Bisathi Bharat, Shweta Umre, Prof. S. Jyothi, Dr. Azam, and many more speakers. Additionally, the initiative has organized national-level webinars on significant occasions such as NSS Day, National Youth Day, International Youth Day, and Independence Day. These webinars were conducted in collaboration with prestigious institutions like Visva Bharati University, NSUT, J.C. Bose University, and several NSS Units across different colleges and institutions from various states of India.

Our Foundation Day

Dekodeyourself celebrated its 3 foundation days - with notable Guests like Mr. Peeyush Pranjape Former-NSS Regional Director Bihar & Jharkhand MoYAS (Foundation Day 2022), Major General Dilwar Singh (Retd.) Ex-DG NYK MoYAS (Foundation Day 2023), and Mr. Prasant Kumar, DSP Jharkhand Police. Through 20+ webinars and foundation day celebrations, Dekodeyourself continues its mission of connecting and inspiring youth.

Team Dekodeyourself comprises a dedicated and enthusiastic group of young volunteers hailing from various states of India and representing diverse professions including students, educators, social activists, and engineering professionals.

About Team Members

Led by Nitish Chaurasiya (Founder), the team is guided by Mr. Anil Khatri (Senior Program Advisor), Dr. Azam (Program Advisor), Rakesh Kumar Sahu (Motivational Speaker), Karuna Rajpurohit (Anchor), Akansha Raturi (Anchor), Mr. Rahul Dharne (Anchor), Rudraa Aggarwal (Anchor), Jogita Sharma (Anchor), Meenakshi Sharma (Social Media Associate), Pratham Date (Graphics Designer), Kapil Munde (Graphic Designer), Mr. Manish Bishnoi (Legal Advisor), Nikhil Sharma (Technical Support), and Sadaf Humera (Social Media Researcher).

Our Activities

Through 60+ live sessions, 20+ webinars, foundation day celebrations, and various social awareness campaigns, Dekodeyourself continues its mission to connect, engage, and inspire youth.

Live Sessions

Live sessions conduct on Instagram.

Seminar & Webinars

We conduct Seminar/Webinar and workshops on Youth Leadership and Motivational Lectures.

Social Activities

We also participate in various social activities and awareness campaigns.


Conducting youth development, personality development, and public speaking workshops with various institutions across India.

Skill Mella

Skill Mela, an event jointly conducted by Skill Buds and Dekodeyourself, involves various activities such as crafting, designing, innovation, photography, modeling, cooking, singing, and dancing.

Youth Force

Youth Force is a joint initiative by the Noble Work Foundation and Dekodeyourself, aimed at mobilizing the youth population of India and beyond towards a better future.


Dekodeyourself has been an incredible platform for personal growth and community engagement. Here are the words and quotes from some of our speakers, youth icons, and volunteers from various parts of Bharat who are associated with Dekodeyourself.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Shujata Bharti

CEO & Founder

Skill Buds, Jharkhand

You can't magically transform people's lives. You can't erase their suffering out of the equation. But you can support them. You can be a shoulder they lean on. To rest from their own battles and Team Dekodeyourself does so, so smoothly.

Sara Wilsson


Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon


Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

John Larson


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dekodeyourself?

Dekodeyourself is a youth engagement initiative founded by former NSS volunteers. We aim to empower young people by providing opportunities for skill development, civic participation, and personal growth.

What activities does Dekodeyourself organize?

Dekodeyourself organizes a variety of activities, including live sessions, seminars, webinars, workshops on youth and personality development, public speaking, and skill-based events like crafting, designing, innovation, photography, modeling, cooking, singing, and dancing.

How does Dekodeyourself support youth development?

We support youth development by offering platforms for skill enhancement, interactive sessions with youth icons, social awareness campaigns, and opportunities to participate in community and civic activities. We align our efforts with the National Youth Policy to ensure holistic development.

How can I get involved with Dekodeyourself?

You can get involved with Dekodeyourself by participating in our events, volunteering for our social awareness programs, attending our workshops and webinars, and following us on our social media platforms for updates and opportunities.

How can Dekodeyourself help me develop my skills?

Dekodeyourself offers various skill development workshops, interactive sessions with industry experts, and hands-on activities that help you enhance your abilities in areas such as public speaking, leadership, creativity, and technical skills.

Who can join Dekodeyourself?

Dekodeyourself is open to all young individuals who are eager to learn, grow, and contribute to their communities. Whether you are a student, a recent graduate, or a young professional, you are welcome to join us and participate in our initiatives.

How often does Dekodeyourself conduct live sessions and webinars?

We conduct live sessions and webinars regularly throughout the year. Please check our website and social media channels for the latest schedule and upcoming events.

How can I contact Dekodeyourself for more information?

You can contact us through our website's contact form, email us at dekodeyourself@gmail.com, or reach out to us on our social media platforms. We are always here to assist you with any queries or information you need.


Here is a glimpes of our activities...

  • All
  • Live Sessions
  • Webinars
  • Foundation Day
  • Social Activities
  • Collaboration Events

Our Team

Meet with our Team Member



Anil Khatri

Senior Program Advisor

Karuna Rajpurohit


Dr. Azam

Program Advisor

Rakesh Kumar Sahu

Motivational Speaker

Akansha Raturi


Rahul Dharne


Rudraa Aggarwal


Pratham Date

UI Designer

Meenakshi Sharma

Social Media Associate

Manish Vishnoi

Legal Advisor

Jogita Sharma


Nikhil Sharma

Technical Support

Sadaf Humera

Social Media Researcher

Kapil Yadav

UI Designer

Our Collabrative Partners


Lets meet with us on our platform

Get in touch

Meet with Dekodeyourself team


Faridabad, Haryana, 121004.




+91 880251 7876

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